Sport Diagnostic Center Sabac – PROJECTS

Do you need ”smart” solution for your project?
Do you need scientific approach in problem solving?
Are you looking for experiment to overcome present phenomena?
SDCS team
We provide solutions for your project based on academic approach

Reference list of the successful projects

Preventing Youth sport dropouts
The main goal of the project “Preventing Youth Sport Dropouts” (PYSD) is to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport, fighting the early abandons of sport activities by the teenagers.
STS project is about development of the training program in cyber security for the youth organizations based on the research and good practises.

The Extraordinary social change through sport
The Extraordinary social change through sport project aims to improve socio-sport animation through cooperation between sports promotion bodies and organizations that promote social inclusion.
HOPASUS A project on how to use sport video games in education
The aim of the project is to encourage sport teachers to recognize the potential of video games and sport applications and experiment with new strategies for incorporating them into their gyms and classrooms. Video games/reminder applications may attract youths who are not typically interested in gym class and offer an alternative transition into sports and physical activity.

Let’s unite, sport as the main actor in the climate neutral strategy (SPOCLIMAT)
The needs of our project are implicit in the call, from the moment in which the Erasmus+ program in its “Environment and fight against climate change” section encourages the development of projects that, through educational, training, youth and sports, promote behaviors and habits of sustainable consumption. Our project arises from the need to use sustainable sport as an active instrument to fight against climate change, with actions to avoid, minimize and compensate, through sports practice. At the same time, it is important that sports, environmental and tourism actors can network to improve the practice of outdoor sports, not only with the aim of being sustainable, but also to be regenerative.
With the implementation of Your Heart Beats! we wish to:
(1) address adult educators with the risk of burnout, and of job quitting
(2) and their adult learners of disadvantaged background (unemployed, senior, ASD) through the 2×7 days residential learning activities, and through the online learning course, mentoring and disseminations.
The overall goal is to increase their resilience skill set and well-being and be able to have a better integration in the field of work both for helping professionals and their learners.

Find Your Sport Superpower – Everyone Has It (FYSSP-EHI)
The “Find Your Sport SuperPower – Everyone Has It” is a Partnership for cooperation project, which address among the Priorities in the field of Sport, aims at encouraging healthy lifestyles for all. The main objective aims are to encourage young people from Generation Z, both with and without disabilities, which is aligned with the another key priority of the Programme “Inclusion and Diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport”, to lead active lifestyles by discovering their individual potential – Sport Superpower – which will become the basis and driving force in the area of improving physical fitness, health, and mental health, as well as their personal weapon and ticket to social inclusion. The consortium consisting of 6 Partners, from 5 countries, representing different sectors: sports, marketing, research and education, will provide a solution in terms of how to explore individual potential based on natural predispositions and the current psycho-physical state of young people and provide modern tools – mobile application, CRM system to carry out this research in a universal way, for all willing and interested parties, as an important contribution to improving the quality of life at every stage. The results of the research, analysis and tools provided are a contribution and added value for participating organisations and countries, which will be scalable to all EU countries.
Our partners
Sport Diagnostic Center Sabac, Andrije Glisica 73B 15232 Jevremovac, city of Sabac, Serbia, email: